Helping Christians in the Pacific North West, Lower Columbia Region, to live fearless lives for the glory of Jesus Christ.
Bible or Babel: Christian Unity or Satan's Trojan Horse
In this episode of the Unmasked Podcast, Joey and Tyler begin talking about the topic of unity... false unity is one of Satan's most successful trojan horses, but true unity can only be found in Christ. They provide several examples of false unity from other churches in the Vancouver, Washington area and show how their ideas of Christian unity fall short of what God defines unity as in scripture.
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Title: Bible or Babel: Christian Unity or Satan's Trojan Horse
Season Number: 2
Episode Number: 4
To contact, email us at: unmaskedmbc@gmail.com
Visit our podcast website at: https://unmasked.buzzsprout.com
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unmaskedpodcastpnw/
Unmasked is a ministry of Master's Bible Church: https://www.mastersbiblechurch.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/mastersbiblechurch
- Opening Song Clip: "Dead Man" by Wolves At The Gate, found in their Reprise EP album; used by permission of the author
- Closing Sound Clip: Steven Lawson preaching the sermon titled "It Will Cost You Everything"
#unity #unityinchrist #trueunity #sounddoctrine #christcentered #falseunity [is] #unityofvancouver #reignchurchvancouver #reignchurch #actschurchnorthwest #washingtonstate #portland #vancouver
Keywords: unity, church, people, christ, doctrine, believers, critical race theory, faith, god, scripture, baptized, praying, agreement, talking, pastor, pursue, doctrinal statement, good, bare minimum, wolf