
Why Unmasked Is Anti Rape/Murder but You Don’t Have to Be? The New Heights of “Private Christianity”

Unmasked Season 2 Episode 6

In this final episode of season two, Joey and Tyler discuss topic of unity by critiquing a series on abortion by New Heights Church that attempts to force false unity between the pro-life and the pro-abortion attendees. 

Link to the series critiqued in this episode: shorturl.at/jCJMO

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Title: Why Unmasked Is Anti Rape/Murder but You Don’t Have to Be? The New Heights of “Private Christianity”
Season Number: 2
Episode Number: 6

To contact, email us at: unmaskedmbc@gmail.com
Visit our podcast website at: https://unmasked.buzzsprout.com
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unmaskedpodcastpnw/
Unmasked is a ministry of Master's Bible Church: https://www.mastersbiblechurch.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/mastersbiblechurch

- Opening Song Clip: "Relief" by Wolves At The Gate, found in their Reprise EP album; used by permission of the author
- Closing Sound Clip: Steven Lawson preaching the sermon titled "It Will Cost You Everything"

#prolife #life #abortion #murder #unity  #unityinchrist #trueunity #sounddoctrine #christcentered #falseunity [is] #newheightschurch #newheights #washingtonstate #portland #vancouver

Keywords: christ, church, sin, repent, unity, scripture, racism, abortion

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